Custom WordPress Development for a public Life Sciences company. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development.
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Development: mySQL, Bootstrap, WordPress, Responsive Design, jQuery, Custom WordPress Theme Development, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Search Engine Optimization, PHP, CSS3, Advanced Custom Fields, HTML5
New custom website design & WordPress development for a Financial Consulting business
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Development: CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Custom WordPress Child Theme, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP
Custom WordPress Development for a public Life Sciences company. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on the corporate website.
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Development: PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Advanced Custom Fields, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Responsive Design, jQuery
Website design & development for a local solar panel roofing company
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Development: Responsive Design, jQuery, Custom WordPress Theme Development, PHP, CSS3, WordPress, Advanced Custom Fields, HTML5, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Bootstrap, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL
Multi-lingual WordPress Development for a public Life Sciences company. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on the corporate website. The company was acquired following this second website redesign and rebuild.
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Development: CSS3, Custom WordPress Theme Development, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, WordPress Multi-Lingual (WPML), Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP
WordPress Development for private Life Sciences company.
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Development: Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, CSS3, Custom WordPress Theme Development, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap
Custom Web Design & WordPress Development for a local farmer's market including individual listings for each merchant
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Development: HTML5, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Bootstrap, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, Responsive Design, jQuery, Custom WordPress Theme Development, PHP, CSS3, WordPress
Custom WordPress Development for a private Life Sciences company when they were going public. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on the corporate website.
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Development: CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Advanced Custom Fields, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP
WordPress Development for a Life Sciences Strategic Communitations company.
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Development: Search Engine Optimization, PHP, CSS3, Advanced Custom Fields, HTML5, mySQL, Bootstrap, WordPress, Responsive Design, Custom WordPress Theme Development, jQuery
Custom WordPress Development for a new construction community
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Development: jQuery, PHP, WordPress, CSS3, HTML5, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, Advanced Custom Fields, Custom WordPress Theme Development, Responsive Design
Custom Web Design and WordPress Development for a dog boarding & training facility.
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Development: Search Engine Optimization, PHP, CSS3, Advanced Custom Fields, HTML5, mySQL, Bootstrap, WordPress, Responsive Design, Custom WordPress Theme Development, jQuery
Custom WordPress Development for a local Orthodontist. Re-built back-end site using exsiting design to repair unsupported parent theme. Development of custom virtual consultation modal form to allow the client to continue patient consultations durring the 2020 pandemic.
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Development: HTML5, mySQL, Bootstrap, WordPress, Responsive Design, jQuery, Custom WordPress Theme Development, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Search Engine Optimization, PHP, CSS3, Advanced Custom Fields, AJAX
Custom WordPress Development for a private Life Sciences company when they were going public. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on the corporate website.
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Development: Advanced Custom Fields, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization
Custom Web Design and WordPress Development. WooCommerce integration to handle hundreds of part numbers.
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Development: PHP, CSS3, HTML5, mySQL, Bootstrap, Woo Commerce, WordPress, Responsive Design, Custom WordPress Theme Development, jQuery, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Search Engine Optimization
Custom Web Design & WordPress Development
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Development: HTML5, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, Custom WordPress Child Theme, jQuery, Bootstrap, Responsive Design, WordPress, PHP, AJAX, CSS3
New website for a local Law Firm
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Development: Custom WordPress Theme Development, PHP, CSS3, Search Engine Optimization, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, HTML5, mySQL, Bootstrap, Responsive Design, jQuery, WordPress
Custom WordPress Development for a vaccine for the treatment of smallpox and monkeypox. Expedited development timeline due to an outbreak of monkeypox in the United States and the need to get vaccination information out quickly.
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Development: Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Advanced Custom Fields
Custom Web Design & Development for a Boy Scout Troop
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Development: Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, Woo Commerce, Responsive Design, PayPal, jQuery, Custom WordPress Theme Development, PHP, CSS3, Advanced Custom Fields, WordPress, HTML5, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Bootstrap
Custom WordPress Development for a public Life Sciences company. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on corporate website. This was the third website redesign & rebuild for a long-time client prior to acquisition.
Development: Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, CSS3, Custom WordPress Theme Development, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap
Custom website design and WordPress development for an auto repair shop
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Development: Custom WordPress Child Theme, WordPress, Responsive Design, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL
Custom Web Design and WordPress Development for a local non-profit.
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Development: Search Engine Optimization, PHP, CSS3, Advanced Custom Fields, HTML5, mySQL, Bootstrap, WordPress, Responsive Design, Custom WordPress Theme Development, jQuery, Custom WordPress Plugin Development
Custom Web Design & WordPress Development for a realty and property management company
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Development: Custom WordPress Plugin Development, jQuery, WordPress, Responsive Design, Bootstrap, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, WPL Pro Platform, Custom WordPress Theme Development
Website design & development for professional consulting business
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Development: WordPress, Responsive Design, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, Custom WordPress Child Theme
Custom Web Design and WordPress Development for a nationally published historical author.
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Development: Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Search Engine Optimization, PHP, CSS3, Advanced Custom Fields, HTML5, mySQL, Bootstrap, WordPress, Responsive Design, Custom WordPress Theme Development, jQuery
Custom WordPress Development for a private Life Sciences company when they were going public. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on the corporate website.
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Development: Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap
New website for an area nursery school
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Development: Custom WordPress Plugin Development, HTML5, Bootstrap, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, Custom WordPress Theme Development, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, WordPress, CSS3
Custom WordPress Development for a private Life Sciences company when they were going public. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on the corporate website.
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Development: WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3
Custom WordPress Development for a private Life Sciences company when they were going public. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on the corporate website.
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Development: Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Advanced Custom Fields, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap
Public-facing website for Cub Scout pack intended to share information with members and act as a recruiting/marketing tool
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Development: Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, Woo Commerce, Search Engine Optimization, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, HTML5, mySQL, PayPal, Bootstrap, Responsive Design, jQuery, WordPress, PHP
Website design, production and programming for local carpenter
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Development: Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, mySQL, AJAX
Custom WordPress Development for a private Life Sciences company when they were going public. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on the corporate website.
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Development: mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Advanced Custom Fields, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development
WordPress Development for a private Life Sciences company.
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Development: WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Advanced Custom Fields, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, CSS3, Custom WordPress Theme Development
Website design & development for local computer support business
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Development: Responsive Design, jQuery, Custom WordPress Theme Development, PHP, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Bootstrap, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL
Custom WordPress Development for a private Life Sciences company when they were going public. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on the corporate website.
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Development: Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Advanced Custom Fields, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP
Custom web design and development for personal portfolio website
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Development: HTML5, Bootstrap, AJAX, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, CSS3
Custom WordPress Development for a public Life Sciences company. Coordination with external Investor Relations website development and integration with 3rd party API to display Press Releases on corporate website.
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Development: Advanced Custom Fields, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization
Custom Website Design and WordPress Development for a children's day camp used for general information, camper signups, and parent communication.
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Development: CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development
Custom web application for day camp activity signups designed for ease of use by children.
Development: Responsive Design, jQuery, Material Design for Bootstrap, PHP, HTML5, Bootstrap, AJAX, mySQL
Website desgin & development for a local veterinarian & dog suppliment provider
Development: WordPress, Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, Custom WordPress Child Theme
Website design & development for railroad equipment engineering company
Development: Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, Responsive Design, jQuery, Custom WordPress Theme Development, PHP, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Bootstrap
Website design & development for professional Human Resources consulting business
Development: Responsive Design, jQuery, Custom WordPress Theme Development, PHP, CSS3, WordPress, Advanced Custom Fields, HTML5, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, Bootstrap, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL
WordPress development base on existing design. Re-build website with new responsive child theme customized to match existing website design.
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Development: Advanced Custom Fields, HTML5, mySQL, Bootstrap, WordPress, Responsive Design, Custom WordPress Child Theme, jQuery, Search Engine Optimization, PHP, CSS3
New website design and WordPress development for a local magician
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Development: mySQL, Custom WordPress Child Theme, WordPress, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, Search Engine Optimization
WordPress Development for a private Life Sciences company.
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Development: Responsive Design, jQuery, PHP, Custom WordPress Theme Development, CSS3, WordPress, HTML5, Bootstrap, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, mySQL, Search Engine Optimization, Advanced Custom Fields
Website design, production and programming, CSS layout with custom php/mySQL Content Management System
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Development: CSS3, HTML5, mySQL, Custom Content Management System, PHP
Custom website development for a local barber shop including an appointment scheduling form
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Development: Responsive Design, jQuery, Search Engine Optimization, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, AJAX, Bootstrap
Band website to be used as an informational resource
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Development: HTML5, Search Engine Optimization, mySQL, jQuery, PHP, Custom Content Management System, CSS3
New website for a local roofing contractor
New website and logo developed for consulting business
Band website to be used as an informational resource
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Development: jQuery, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, Logo Design, mySQL
Band website design and production
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Development: Custom WordPress Theme Development, Woo Commerce, PHP, CSS3, Search Engine Optimization, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, HTML5, PayPal, Logo Design, mySQL, Bootstrap, Responsive Design, jQuery, WordPress
Website acts as hostorical documentation of the underground music scene that existed in West Chester, PA in the 1990's
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Development: WordPress, Custom WordPress Theme Development, PHP, CSS3, Search Engine Optimization, Custom WordPress Plugin Development, HTML5, Logo Design, mySQL, Bootstrap, Responsive Design, jQuery